Friday, May 25, 2007

Pre Mont tremblant Race

I’ve decided that there is no medium whether in Quebec… only extremes. It’s either freezing cold, or super hot. In the last two days it has warmed up to be 32 humid degrees. I break out into a sweat just lifting my leg over the bar to get on my bike. At night under the light it looks like there is smoke in the air from the moisture that is lurking around. I think it wants to rain on the nice dry course.

The course is the same as last year. It’s a very technical course. One that you almost want a jockey strap to race in, girl or guy. There are many steep sections over big rocks that you get right over the back wheel for. Then there’s the wooden down ramp with hay bails beside it for those who fall off. It’s actually easier to ride it than walk down it. I’ve tried. The bars on the ramp are enough to numb your arms by the bottom of it, so you are very relaxed for the rocky section that follows. I love that it is so technical, and that there are sections that I don’t think I rode last year that I can this year. That’s the great thing about having repetitive courses, you get to know them, and you see the improvement.

I’ve been humming and hawing as to whether to race this weekend. I know that I am stronger than last year, so I’ve decided to race against myself, as I will have my last years time to beat.

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